10 Episodes of 2019... (Part 3)
Countdown 10 days to 2020 Part 3! 🥂🌅Looking back at the year... or life! EP 7 - Musician Friends📷 Barely surviving orchestra projects...

10 Episodes of 2019... (Part 2)
Countdown 10 days to 2020 Part 2! 🥂🌅Looking back at the year... or life! EP 4 - Chamber Music Chamber Music - Always been a special...

10 Episodes of 2019... (Part 1)
Countdown 10 days to 2020! 🥂🌅Looking back at the year... or life! EP 1 - TMC! 📷Our first meeting after I moved back to Singapore in...

Artistry: Mozart - Million Moods
Artistry: Mozart - Million Moods. All my favourites put into one! Chamber music. Music Education. Mozart. TMC Team. TMC Home. Most...

School's Out! The search for balance in life.. and the people who matter!
Never imagined that I will be saying that I don’t miss school at all, considering I was in school for most of my life until end 2018! I...

Time Warp ~ Forward to 2019 or Back to Childhood?
2018 has been wild! A year full of contradictions, but perhaps life is full of that anyway... Time zoomed past, but looking back the year...

RIP Shoulder-Rest!
When I finally married the Bon Musica shoulder rest with my SAS chinrest, I thought I achieved the perfect set-up, for myself at least!...

The Wonders of Travelling Solo!
I'm reminded again this week how much I love travelling solo! I've been travelling solo for quite a while, so much so that travelling =...

Practice - Obsession of a Musician
At present, Practice is a luxury Practice is a need for the soul Practice is the dream to phrase musically Practice is the annoyance with...

SIX Months
6 months. It’s been a whirlwind. Little absolutely random snippets of life, thoughts and photos. Excitement. Joy. Anticipation....