String Teachers' Collective
Building an inspired string teaching and learning community, organised by string educators for string educators.

Super stoked that we're getting the ball rolling for String Teachers' Collective next week! =) Have had this idea of a community for string teachers for years now, even contemplated a thesis related to it during my DMA days. I've always wondered why others such as the piano or band have such lovely communities but not the strings!!! Feeling extremely blessed to be working with like-minded colleagues to grow this community.
The year for us started off with a dialogue with a group of string educators, gathering to kickstart a community of string teachers in Singapore, to start a conversation discussing the possibilities of the community and examine the existing string education in Singapore. In the next 9 months, many inspiring conversations with string educators took place and I'm in awe of the educators I've spoken with whose passion rejuvenates me. My heart is full as these educators took time off to engage in conversations, share their knowledge and offer their time at these String Dialogues.
As string teachers who spend much of our time teaching and facing our students and their parents, there is a lack of opportunity for the community to come together and discuss pedagogy-related topics. The hope is that this community will encourage a culture of mutual learning, discussions and sharing among the string teachers, as well as provide a support system for string teachers in various areas. This collective will be a safe environment where like-minded educators who care about string education can come together to share and discuss their experiences, struggles and knowledge!
Currently planning 18/19 sessions with Christina and Annette alongside many other like-minded educators who have so generously contributed ideas, suggestions, expertise and most of all their love for music education! How it finally turns out is anyone's guess, we can only try our best to pave the way! =)

Tee '18