Artistry: Mozart - Million Moods
Artistry: Mozart - Million Moods.
All my favourites put into one! Chamber music. Music Education. Mozart. TMC Team. TMC Home. Most importantly, music-making with Christoven and Leslie and sharing this valuable musical experience with audiences.

Mozart Divertimento for String Trio. The entire experience developed from our desire to perform and share this gem with young audiences and families. Our ideas kept blossoming through rehearsals and discussions and finally exploded so quickly it ended up with... Clarence having to lug his TV into TMC depriving his kids from TV for a couple of days oops,
TMC team frantically working on instrument paddles, worksheets, slides, sticker printing and hunting, tonnes of emoji related madness to keep our young audiences engaged during the performance, on top of all the logistics, preparation and DIYs necessary for any performance.
Mozart Divertimento for String Trio. A pretty massive project in six movements. Rehearsing and playing chamber music with Christoven and Leslie always makes me feel alive. We've worked together and known each other long enough that our rehearsals are always extremely efficient, digging deep into the music, having difficult conversations early in the process and leaving no stones unturned. We don't quite need to tip-toe around each other or attempt to be extremely politically correct when we give comments since our eyes are all just glued on the goal of expressing our music and performing well together. Playing with these musicians always remind me of why I love chamber music and truly makes me feel like the process is more precious than the result.

Mozart: Million Moods is the 2nd of TMC's Artistry series. TMC's attempt to present guest artists who are passionate about their music as well as to bring audiences, however young, into their sound and instrumental world effectively. It's our hope that TMC artist and audiences are inspired and refreshed by shared musical experiences at Artistry. We're really blessed to have musicians believe in our cause and the year's line-up after Mozart includes Kim Eun Hyung singer-songwriter-violinist presenting 7 Days exploring multidisciplinary works, Kevin Loh, Singapore's classical guitarist we've all watched grow up presenting a solo guitar programme tracing the evolution of classical guitar music and More Than Music by Jun Hong and Abigail Sin, that needs little introduction! =)
Artists and concert presenters always lament the fact that either music is "dumbed" down for outreach purposes or artists don't take music as seriously if the performance is for outreach purposes. With Artistry, we believe that audiences deserve artists who present their truest art form while angling and presenting it in a way that is relatable and engaging to audiences.
TMC Artistry is valuable to our music community and of course nothing is possible without the amazing team at TMC who worked tirelessly to make the programme as engaging as possible, working with the artists to coordinate visuals, music and speech, working to DIY materials to engage audiences, dealing with all sorts of other logistical nightmares there is! We are also of course lucky to work in our own space, which makes rehearsals and concerts much more flexible, but of course with that flexibility and aspiration, we always end up giving ourselves insane tasks, always worth it though! =) The capabilities and sacrifices that the team makes for each and every event we do is massive and I'm always counting my blessings having the opportunity working with them, especially after a trying concert as Mozart: Million Moods.
The performance was admittedly at a time of my year I was extremely exhausted and wasn't even sure I could perform the music well, much less execute an interactive performance well, and I know I wouldn't have been able to survive this without the wonderful team and the trio and of course the thought of my trip post-concert hahs! =)
Slowly and surely, we're building new audiences, presenting quality music, sustainably bringing our young ones into our instrumental and sound world.
Tee '19

Photos courtesy of Caroline Seah and Ivy Goh