10 Episodes of 2019... (Part 1)
Countdown 10 days to 2020! 🥂🌅Looking back at the year... or life!
EP 1 - TMC! 📷Our first meeting after I moved back to Singapore in Jan 2018!

Aren't there enough music schools in Singapore? In fact, aren't there too many music schools in Singapore as it is?
We built TMC to create a music-loving community, one that enjoys making music together, one that enjoys the arts together, and one that just enjoys being together.
We built TMC with dreams of weekly group classes and ensemble playing, of cultivating the love for music from a young age, of teaching music appreciation, theory and aural skills beyond exam syllabus.
We built TMC to inspire our students and families to enjoy lifelong musical journeys, one that is not "finished" after the grade 8 certificate.
We built TMC to start a sustainable arts community in Singapore - artists, students, families, teachers, all in an eco-system. Artists given an avenue to explore their passion projects. Students and families given opportunities to interact with artists and be guided through their art forms.
We built TMC to create a sustainable arts scene - future audiences.
We built TMC not knowing if any parent or family would believe in our philosophy. We built it not knowing how long this would last, or how to explain this music community. We built it not knowing who, if anyone at all might be convinced.
Most importantly, we built TMC so that our students would grow up as strong, humble and resilient human beings, always treasuring their musical journeys.
All I can say is I'm glad that we never lost our purpose. We're still taking baby steps...... and definitely look forward to more in 2020!
Countdown 9 days to 2020! 🥂🌅Looking back at the year... or life! EP 2 - Family!

Family - Always there. Always quietly supportive. Asian families don't express the love for each other outwardly, but I guess nobody can replace family! SILENCE. ❤️
Countdown 8 days to 2020! 🥂🌅Looking back at the year... or life! EP 3 - TMC Community📷 1/2 of our community at Spotlight this year!

We built TMC not knowing if any parent or family would believe in our philosophy. We built it not knowing how long this would last, or how to explain this music community. We built it not knowing who, if anyone at all might be convinced.
Then there were these families who joined our little TMC community, the people who first believed in us and who constantly inspire us to do our best. The beginning of the TMC community, the people who give us strength to do what we do, the people who form The Music Circle, the music community which would otherwise just be empty words.
More in next post...
Tee '19