10 Episodes of 2019... (Part 3)
Countdown 10 days to 2020 Part 3! 🥂🌅Looking back at the year... or life!

EP 7 - Musician Friends📷 Barely surviving orchestra projects nowadays to remember to take photos, so this photo shall be representative of all the time I've spent with musician friends this year, over rehearsal, long dinner breaks!!! and performances..
Musician friends, the ones who keep me sane during projects! The ones who make attending rehearsals and concerts, even after long teaching and working days, much more fun and WORTH IT! Always glad to hang out and catch up once in a while during projects. These performances and projects throughout the year truly keeps music in my life and practicing up to speed, but I'm definitely glad I'm not a full time orchestra musician anyway..

EP 8 - Artistry, MusicBox and the likes...
We built TMC to start a sustainable arts community in Singapore - artists, students, families, teachers, all in an eco-system. Artists given an avenue to explore their passion projects. Students and families given opportunities to interact with artists and be guided through their art forms. 🎼🎻🎧
TMC Artistry, MusicBox, Adventures and the various workshops and collaborations these 2 years is just the beginning of building this eco-system. A tough beginning, but nothing can really replace the excitement of the TMC community and artists while planning for these events and the events themselves. While we are working hard to make it more financially sustainable and rewarding for artists, we are heartened by the artists who have generously come to share their art with our community! ❤️

EP 9 - String Teachers’ Collective! Love this new community of string teachers in Singapore which has continuously inspired me the past year to be a better person and teacher! Humbled by the many experienced string teachers in Singapore who are so passionate about what they do, and their generosity in sharing their experiences! Our quarterly meetings is always refreshing and helps keep my teaching spark alive! ❤️
Thankful for Christina, partner-in-crime who share the same love for pedagogy and taking time off to organise these meetups! Can’t wait for the community to explore more together in 2020! 🎻🎼

EP 10 - TMC Teacher’s Academy and Team
TMC Teachers Academy started in 2019 and we are excited for more to come in 2020 with some new full-time additions to the TMC team! ❤️
We built TMC to create a music-loving community, one that enjoys making music together, one that enjoys the arts together, and one that just enjoys being together.
We built TMC with dreams of weekly group classes and ensemble playing, of cultivating the love for music from a young age, of teaching music appreciation, theory and aural skills beyond exam syllabus.
We built TMC to inspire our students and families to enjoy lifelong musical journeys, one that is not "finished" after the grade 8 certificate.
And we are excited to have found some new team mates who believe in the same philosophy and will join the team in 2020!
Happy 2020! More next year!
Tee '19